How to Improve Your SCORE in the Reporting System

  • Engage in community services, participate in voluntary activities, and help those in need.
  • Take on a role in SCIEKORE or its sub-projects such as PITEN.
  • Participate in workshops or other educational events.
  • Explore, especially the landing page, and learn about our programs, products, services, and projects. You can become a SCIEKORE Advocate by representing any of these areas. As a SCIEKORE Advocate, you will be responsible for promoting and sharing the vision of SCIEKORE, engaging with potential users, and helping to expand our community. Doing so can earn 50 points toward your contribution score as well as incentives/gifts/discounts.

Excel in your exams to reflect your commitment to education and earn reward points.

Tasks in progress impact your score, so complete them to earn more rewards. Failing to complete tasks will result in negative points.

Report your daily progress to keep track of your achievements and improve your score.